Monday, December 11, 2006

The old 'swamp the ACLU with Christmas Cards' email rears it's ugly head again this year.

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You'd think the ACLU bashers would come up with something new. The best they can do is to recirculate an old semi-serious joke again this year (see original message in italics below). So here's why, given the battering civil rights have taken this past year, continuing to bad mouth the ACLU is a patently BAD idea.

Our shit-for-brains president authorizes unlimited wire tapping without court approval, rewrites the Geneva conventions and repeals habeas corpus - and you want to put the ACLU out of business!!

You'll be rethinking that when you go out to pick up the newspaper some cold clear morning...just before dawn...three day growth of beard on your face...with a just-out-of-the-shower towel wrapped around your head...munching on a day-old falafel (Middle Eastern fare, for you uninitiated)...wearing your best duck hunting cammos...and suddenly, out of nowhere, a black, unmarked Suburban screeches to a stop, you are arrested at gunpoint, cuffed and hauled away. Why...because for that brief moment you happened to fit the profile of a terrorist.

Under the new "Bush Rules" that's all that is needed for you to be held indefinitely at an undisclosed location, without bail...without a lawyer or without even having the charges against you explained in front of a judge. And, it is now perfectly legal!

(There might be a silver lining, however - that guy from Oregon who suffered a similar 'mistaken identity' scenario - finally settled with the Feds for about $3 million and an apology. Hmmmmm...anyone know where I can rent a turban?)

The ACLU may be off-base on the Happy Holidays and Ten Commandments issues, but it is the only organization that is trying to keep innocent people from just many did in Russia and South America.

You just might want to enclose a small donation with that Christmas card.

- LC

Original message -

Yes, Christmas cards. This is coming early so that you can get ready to include an important address to your list. What a GREAT idea! Fun with the ACLU......

Send the ACLU a CHRISTMAS CARD this year.

As they are working so very hard to get rid of the CHRISTMAS part of this holiday, we should all send them a nice, CHRISTIAN, card to brighten up their dark, sad, little world. Make sure it says "Merry Christmas" on it.

Here's the Address, just don't be rude or crude. (It's Not the Christian Way, you know!)

125 Broad Street
18th Floor
New York, NY 10004

Two tons of Christmas cards would freeze their operations because they wouldn't know if any were regular mail containing contributions. So spend 39 cents and tell the ACLU to leave Christmas alone. Also tell them that there is no such thing as a "Holiday Tree". . . . It's a Christmas Tree even in the fields!!

And pass this on to your email lists. We really want to communicate with the ACLU! They really DESERVE us!!